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During talks,  presentations and workshops I do visual recording in real-time. 


I've been a Sketch Note Artist at Mind The Product and Women in Product in California , Product Management Conference in Zurich and many more. Check out my summaries on LinkedIn by clicking on the links!


Need a Sketch Note Artist? Contact me!

Product Management Conference: How Netflix Built an Innovative Culture by Gibson Biddle

November 12, 2019

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Product Management Conference: Intent Based Leadership by David Marquet

November 13, 2019

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Product Management Conference: Storytelling by Sam Bradley

November 13, 2019

What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Micro Mobility Europe: Urban Freedom by Horace Dediu

January 01, 2020

Micro Mobility is Urban Freedom

Watch video here:

Micro Mobility Europe: The first to 100M rides, Joe Kraus, Lime

September 30, 2019


Watch the video here:

Micro Mobility Europe: Executive Roundtable

September 30, 2019

Watch the video here:

Micro Mobility Europe: Panel Cities

September 30, 2019

Watch the video here:

Micro Mobility Europe: Go to market Playbook by Avra van der Zee JUMP

September 30, 2019

It's not about how we enter market, but how we stay.


Watch the video:

Micro Mobility Europe: Software for Micro Mobility

September 30, 2019

Watch the video:

Product Tank Berlin: Product Management in a Corporate Startup by Jana Schellong

September 12, 2019

Watch Video here:

Product Tank Berlin: Growing new Business in a Corporate by Lars Giere

September 12, 2019

Watch the video here:

Product Tank Berlin: How to Survive as a PM by Emilie Lindström

March 26, 2019


Product Tank Berlin: Learnings from my first Job as a PM by Julian Weinmann

March 26, 2019


Customer Experience by Mike James

January 27, 2019


How Businesses Think Differently by Simon Alexander Ong

December 10, 2018


Women In Product: Persuasive Communication by Lauren Weinstein

September 06, 2018


Women In Product: The only one by Erin Teague

September 06, 2018


Women In Product: Managing your growth in a growing company by Maya Eichler

September 06, 2018


Women In Product: The risks I've taken by Emily Weiss

September 06, 2018


Women In Product: The Art & Science of the product lifecycle by Lauren Chan Lee

September 06, 2018


Women In Product: The playbook I wish I had by Ami Vora

September 06, 2018


Women In Product: Designing for Delight by Nisha Victor

September 06, 2018


Women In Product: Treat your work like dating by Amy Richardson

September 06, 2018


Women In Product: Customer Centricity by Tatyana Mamut

September 06, 2018


Mind the Product: Nir Eyal - Becoming indistractable

July 17, 2018


Search Inside Yourself Workshop

September 15, 2016


Mind the Product: Todd Lombardo - Roadmaps

July 17, 2018


Mind the Product: Dan Olsen - Product-Market-Fit

July 17, 2018


Mind the Product: Lisa Reichelt - User Research

July 17, 2018


How to become Self Made by Nely Galan

October 17, 2019

Becoming Self Made is a lifelong journey.

EdTechX Asia - 5 Trends in Edtech

October 31, 2017

$ 10 trillion of GDP at risk!

ThinkX - AI

October 09, 2017

Sketch Notes from Singularity University Event ThinkX

ThinkX - Manufacturing Agility

October 09, 2017

Sketch Notes from Singularity University Event ThinkX

Think X - The Future of Learning

October 09, 2017

Sketch Notes from Singularity University Event ThinkX

Think X - The Future Of Biology

October 09, 2017

Sketch Notes from Singularity University Event ThinkX

Storytelling for Entrepreneurs by Dan Kimble

August 30, 2017

Be your best friend!

Suppressing Aging & Extending Longevity by Judith Campisi @hanahaus

June 15, 2017

We can not extend Life Span, but we can extend the Health Span. 

MIND THE PRODUCT - Survival Tactics for Product Managers by Janna Bastow

June 13, 2017

Your roadmap is the prototype for your strategy.

MIND THE PRODUCT - Growing the giant hairball by Janice Fraser

June 13, 2017

Go Zombie Hunting!

MIND THE PRODUCT - Building Products AI first by Aparna Chennapragada

June 13, 2017

Superpower your users!

MIND THE PRODUCT - The only metric that matters by Josh Elman

June 13, 2017

Key Metric: How many times users perform the core action on the expected cycle.

Typology Of Design Sprints @ Airbnb

May 09, 2017

"Let's do some Design Thinking!" 

"Great - But we need the results by tomorrow!"

Pico Iyer - The Value of Travel

April 14, 2017

"Traveling is like an appetizer that you turn in a full meal when you come home"

Reel Impact Film Festival: How to make a video that doesn't suck

December 06, 2016

Just use your iPhone...

Dan Ariely - The hidden Logic that shapes our Motivations

November 11, 2016

"Because taking 5 pieces of candy is stealing"

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